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Transition From Infant Schools

Our main feeder school is St. George's Church of England School in Amersham; although we also admit a small number of children from different local schools.

Mr Lloyd (Headteacher) regularly liaises with Miss V Harjette, who is the Headteacher of St. George's to formulate strategies to improve practices associated with effective key stage transition and to handover any paperwork relating to Child Protection. 

Additionally, Miss Richer (SENDCo) meets with the SENDCo from St. George's during summer term to ensure transfer of paperwork relating to any pupils with additional learning needs. 

During the summer term our Year 3 teachers visit St. George's School. They spend the morning teaching Year 2 pupils and spend the afternoon having detailed handover discussions with the Year 2 Team from St. George's School. This is an opportunity for our staff to develop an understanding of the needs of the different pupils and for the children and staff to get to know each other before September. In July, on Transition Day, the Year 2 children come to Woodside for a full day and become Year 3 pupils for the day.  During the day they take part in lessons, get to know the layout of the school, meet staff and make new friends. Any child who may need some extra support with transition is always warmly welcomed for extra sessions at Woodside. 

For the parents and carers of pupils who are joining the school, we hold a Welcome Meeting.  At this meeting parents meet our Year 3 and Leadership Teams.  We share information about our school and parents can ask questions.  Parents and carers are also encouraged to make an appointment to see our SENDCo or Headteacher if they have any additional worries regarding their child well-being.